At the moment

Posted by StephieMae
I am terribly missing this lil girl - she makes me feel happy all the time! Chels, any chance you could send her my way?? She can play with me ALL day every day!!

3 sweet comments on "At the moment"

Team Millward on February 28, 2010 at 7:26 PM said...

Ahh,she's a cutie. Is she your neice? You can have one of mine for the night if you want!

Leah on February 28, 2010 at 11:19 PM said...

I'm the same way over my friend's son. He's so smiley all the time, it's hard to be in a bad mood when he's around. :)

Kevin & Chelsey on March 1, 2010 at 7:54 AM said...

Well, sure if you think you can handle a 2-year old drama queen. These days you will spend your time trying to understand a new language, using tweezers to get odd things out of her nose, switching movies in the DVD player before the movie even begins, and the oh so fun wardrobe changes. This is probably not the best time for you to be taking on that but anytime after you fully recover. Maybe you can come here and Kevin and I will take a much needed vacation. Love you!

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