a memory remembered, a truth told

Posted by StephieMae
How beautiful is this? It is a picture of a field of mustard seed. I was introduced to the vibrant fields of yellow on a visit to Canada back in 2006. It was so spectacular to see - and it went forever...as far as the eye could see. It was than that I didn't miss the mountains and realized flat was good. Flat could be beautiful! Cliche to say but 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'

I had such a wonderful experience this last week. Another truth that the Lord is aware and that He does know each of us. My dad spoke in church this last week about the love of God. And what a beautiful way with words my father has. I walked away happy that the concept was refreshed in my memory. There is one thing that will always be there, The Love of God. It's consistent - it's ever lasting - and it runs so deep...and I've come to realize in the last several months that if I have simplicity it's easier to recognize the daily proof of His hand. And as I thought about this I remembered the mustard field, and it made me happy.

1 sweet comments on "a memory remembered, a truth told"

The Crazy Coxes on February 25, 2010 at 4:02 PM said...

Yea for you!!! I loved that talk and I'm so glad the Stake Presidency had the high councilors use it.

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