Find the part that's leading you...I know I have!

Posted by StephieMae
A friend put me in possession of a stethoscope before my surgery...I never knew how much his sweet note would stay with me through this. But it has...and as I sit here with a lil anxiety and much on my mind I just need to recognize my heartbeat; and REMEMBER!

"When things seem scary, or out of control, take out the stethoscope and listen to your heart beat. When you do, you'll remember who created that heart and how much He loves you. I know He sends His angels to be with us in our hours of affliction, seen or unseen, every beat of that heart they will be by your bedside watching over you."

1 sweet comments on "Find the part that's leading you...I know I have!"

Leah on February 21, 2010 at 9:48 AM said...

That was a nice note! Sounds like you have some good friends.

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