I'd rather have soggy cereal

Posted by StephieMae
So I was hoping for a nice night of rest, planning on it and looking forward to it. I was ready to get settled and chose a shower over bed so as to have more energy come Saturday. Perhaps not the best idea seeing as I now have a soggy cast :( how in the world?! Seriously, no idea. Well obviously I do, it got wet-plain and simple. But now my cast is wet and my foot is cold and I'm worried about my incisions. Cross your fingers...hopefully there is a quick and painless way around this. Until than, like I said fingers crossed

1 sweet comments on "I'd rather have soggy cereal"

The Crazy Coxes on February 13, 2010 at 7:59 PM said...

Hmmmm.......What were you thinking? ;) Is this what you did while your parents partied it up at the Hoedown? They should no better than to leave you alone!

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