So I was watching some of my fave show last night (more like three hours worth) Totally my guilty pleasure peeps. But you would love it too if you knew what I saw last night.
Ha so there was this construction guy who came in because he'd fallen 4 days previous on the job site and injured his foot. He felt it was broken so he put it in a cast himself; made of concrete cement! OMG peeps who does that!? Didn't even phase him. So the docs had to cut it off and sure enough it was broken but there were chemical burns all over bc of the cement. So they get him all set in a new cast and then a fever pops up; uh oh! So they unbandaged the foot and don't see any sign of infection. If a guy is willing to make a concrete boot what else will he 'fix' himself? So he asks the pt and he said well when I fell I hurt my side as well. Expecting to see a small flesh wound he lifts his shirt and it's disgusting. Ha ha ha he stapled himself shut-this huge deep wound!! So now he's admitted to the hospital. Sucks for him; and this is a lesson to those w/o ins. DON'T do it yourself! Go to the ER otherwise you'll end up getting laughed at by me when I watch the show ;)
Ooh so another one I saw was this drunk fool comes in with a golf driver driven THROUGH his head; like in through the ear, the brain, the skull and out the top - eww. But this guy was coherent and was speakin a mile a minute and it didn't even phase him. Either way his tox screen came back with 5 times the legal amt for alcohol! This dude had been plastered and while in the OR they debated how they were going to get it out; do we pull it out the top or the bottom? Things like that. They ended up pulling it out the right ear and nothing changed-he was stable so they kept him out for a few days to heal and when he awoke everything had healed himself. He was left with no hearing in one ear and that's it. Too bad his cousin that did it too him will be facing attempted homicide.
Those were some highlights of the night that were funny and miraculous-oh wait one more a 17 year old boy came in with a horrible leg break - 4 breaks to be exact right below his knee. He had jumped from a second story window because he was with his girlfriend and turns out He swallowed butt loads of marijuana and methamphetamine because the girls dad was comin in and so then he jumped out the window. Dumb kids-yeesh!
2 days ago
1 sweet comments on "TV teaches me what not to do! Or just a really good laugh!"
one of the reasons why i do not watch tv!!!
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