So maybe I can't sleep-who's really keeping tabs anyways right? I got home late and I just am not ready to crawl into bed as of yet. So I decided to come up with a list of 25 things I wish I hadn't learned about others or that made me laugh because I love them so much and that's why it's on here either way they were all found through my facebook network. I know lame right ha ha. Enjoy
1. I LOVE to have mashed potatoes and hot chocolate together.
2. I also love dead bumble bees. They are so fuzzy and friendly when they're dead.
3. I secretly enjoy listening to bad rap music
4. I am a closet Donny Osmond fan
5. I have a scar the shape of Florida on my toe.
6. When I was a kid, I would eat gum off the bottom of my shoes and out of the trash can.
7.I have a really good memory. If you give me a date or event, I can usually tell you what I was wearing. (Try it sometime… You won’t be disappointed) haha
8.I brush my teeth in the shower because I am unbelievably messy and I get toothpaste foam all over.
9.I will go a month or more without doing my laundry.
10. My eye doctor recently told me that I sleep with one eye open… How he knows this, I have no idea, but I still think it’s pretty creepy!
11.I absolutely love pickels and peanut butter, together.
12.Taco Bell is my guilty pleasure. It doesn't matter how many times it makes me nauseous, I always come back to it.
13.I worry about everything, including coming up with 25 interesting things to say on this. I have worried about having a child that is disabled or would die, losing a limb and wetting my pants in public and I have no idea why.
14.I don’t have any sweat glands in my armpits and I also don’t have arm pit hair… lucky, I guess.
15.I have peed my pants to see what it feels like. On multiple occasions.
16.When I was younger I was convinced that I would die from spontaneous combustion
17. I have seen my four siblings naked. Some by accident and some on purpose. My little brother slid down my arm, naked, when he mooned me and fell over on me.
18. I can sing Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star backwards.
19.I mulled over the decision to open a facebook account for a week, just to look at a friends photo album, and was going to close it immeadiately after.
20.After I poop, I turn around and look at the size
21.I always snag a straw from the places we go to.. it's the little things that make me happy.
22. I once got stuck in the antlers of a deer but was pulled out before getting hurt to much.
23. I have an extreme tolerance to medication, I have taken 5 times what killed Heath Ledger in one sitting intravenously (Sorry...too soon? lol).
24. I kinda pee a lot... it's unnatural.
25.I have a fake tooth, short pinky, fat ankles, and a knee cap that pops out. My mum says that I will never get married. She forgets that she has short pinkies too. That didnt stop her.
2 days ago
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