Louisville Goodwill Ambassador

Posted by StephieMae
So I never knew this man pictured above but I feel like I should share his story. His name is John Breaux. He recently passed away; while cleaning up 287 He was hit by a car. But if you want to read all about it click here. But peeps I feel like after reading about this indiviual that I know of his great worth. He served and wasn't looking for anything in return for many a years-what a true example of charity in a sense. He helped keep the community clean and opened doors for people worked without pay wherever he went. Now I don't know if his story will inspire you at all but fo sho makes you think eh? What an inspiration and I can tell he will be missed.

1 sweet comments on "Louisville Goodwill Ambassador"

The Crazy Coxes on February 18, 2009 at 2:40 PM said...

Speaking of inspiration and charity.... SOMEONE was INSPIRED to show CHARITY with some yummy cupcakes! Thanks so much! I'm loving them!

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