I pretty much love...

Posted by StephieMae
* Listening to audio cd's from church speakers; anything about Joseph Smith or about how the Lord is taking care of us and how to apply gospel principles. All great things I get from taking time to listen.

* Making new friends and getting to know the old ones better :)

* Pancakes!

* Watered down apple juice or better yet chocolate milk on the rocks.

* Baking; esp trying out new recipies and of course stayin true to the classic oldies but goodies.

* Weddings! They are so much fun; from the dancing to the eating to the attire gotta love it all!

* Going to the movies!

* Late night chats on the phone.

* Spending time with my family; any and all of them.

* unanswered prayers, not always what I'm looking for but definately find great joy in knowing that I can believe in myself because my Heavenly Father does.

* Sleeping by the poolside even better when it's at least 76 or warmer out.

* Green bananas; pretty much God's gift to me. Okay that sounds awful but I truly do love them :D

* Catching up with old friends; even if it's been a while you can pick up right where you left off.

* Blogging-it is such a guilty pleasure

* Chats with my mother; she cracks me up! Just today we had a wonderful conversation about card games. Ha so funny my mum is.

* My nieces and nephews; such beautiful gifts from a loving Heavenly Father.

* The smell of rain, esp late at night.

* Sports; watching them is the best ever.

* Roadtrips where you listen to any and everything talk about who knows what and then get back to normal when all is said and done. They are very profound things-roadtrips.

* Sleepovers with my baby sis-even though she can't stand the whole sharing a bed thing. You'd think it were the end of the world or something. Yeesh

* Recognizing God in my day to day life. There are so many tender mercies and I'm sure I don't catch them all but I know He's there and He has my best interest in mind. Even on the worst of the worst days.

* Mint hot chocolate really late at night or early in the morning-amazing! Even better with a candy cane.

* I have a pig fetish; I love the idea of hoping to own one when I am older.

* Reading any given talk from any general authority; I have a collection if you must know :)

* Writing cards to friends-I love the personal touch you can add vs just an email or facebooking them.

* Talking with the 'rents

* Crawling into bed on any given night! It's amazing.

2 sweet comments on "I pretty much love..."

Anonymous said...

That one about sleepovers with me is so not true! I love sharing a bed...after all I sleep in the same bed as Emily every night!!! :D You're just harder to share a bed with because you listen to music as you go to sleep and you steal all the blankets from me! :P

Tawna on February 9, 2009 at 11:10 PM said...

Do you know what I LOVE?! YOU!!

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