crash down

Posted by StephieMae
These drugs sure do make one emotional. I'm a wreck! I usually know the stages of the specific ones I take...however I've introduced a new one into my life and it is doing some great things but I don't know for certain if it outweighs the bad. I can't gain control of my emotions. Okay well maybe that has something to do with the horrible expereince I had at pt today. Pretty sure I've worked in the health field long enough to know that germs=no bueno and apparantly this pt doesn't know that. Well I can't say that-I assume she does but she has chosen to disregard and take her chances. However putting the rest of her patients at risk. OSHA is not a joke and germs are not to be taken lightly. Yes some can be good in moderation but I had enough to last me a good year from exposure today. Am I even making any sense. I don't feel too well and I have a huntch I'm going to call my bathroom floor my home for the night but I'll tell you more about my horrible no good very bad day soon.

2 sweet comments on "crash down"

Team Millward on March 16, 2010 at 7:45 AM said...

That sounds like an awesome day. Sorry to hear Steph. I hope last night wasn't as bad as you anticipated

The Crazy Coxes on March 17, 2010 at 10:20 AM said...

Wow! Your day rocked! I hope you aren't on the bathroom floor! And I hope that today is better!

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