Did you watch?

Posted by StephieMae
I didn't neccesarily watch. I just made sure it was on my DVR for future reference and fast forwarding. Oh com'n, what? I'm sure most would agree they watch it for the fashion.

Gotta admit KStew was looking better than usual.

And I know I'm on TeamEdward but gotta say his competition always seems to clean up better.

SJP was not looking too hot. I don't think Carrie wouldv'e been proud {although most would dispute me}

When did Georgey get all gray!? I still drool...remember One Fine Day? Ooh love it!

I saw the most amazing shoes! Makes me want to validate wearing something other than flats. Oh wait, didn't I just have surgery on my ankles?

Love LOVE LOVED the diamonds on Cameron Diaz...especially this ring.

Did you see her makeup? I love her eyes!

Rachel McAdams may have looked like some window treatments off of 90210 from when I was watching it back in the 90's but no matter-she beams and the dress is beautiful. {i know contradiction} Let's go watch The Notebook!

J-Glow! You truly glow...but when it involves cut-outs all I say is "nuh-uh" {facepalm} Still love ya but next time don't skimp on the fabric...loves!

Lastly isn't Ryan Reynolds gorgeous?!

Love him, love The Proposal and of course love Sandy! So if you didn't catch the show, not to worry I just helped you out ;)

{all pictures via}

2 sweet comments on "Did you watch?"

Alexa Mae on March 12, 2010 at 6:00 PM said...

Yes! I watched and yes Ryan Reynolds is my huge celebrity crush. seriously so hot! and i usually don't like blonde men?

Lacie @ Creative Attempts on March 13, 2010 at 10:11 PM said...

Hell yes ryan reynolds is AMAZING!! and can i just say i am book team edward and movie team jacob lol

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