What is your damage, Heather?

Posted by StephieMae
If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show host. ~Veronica Sawyer, Heathers
So I've been thinkin a bit about what happiness is. It can be so many things and it can come in many ways, shapes and forms. At any given day or time in our lives. So why do we tend to focus on things that only bring us down? Okay so maybe you don't but on occasion I know I am guilty of it.

I can't believe we are already just about into May; where has the year gone? I feel like this has been the year of learning. I have had to figure out what I'm doing in life; this year anyways ha. But no for realz I haven't really been working for about two months. I injured my foot and that set me up for where I am today. IF not for a choice I made back in November I wouldn't be the strongest I've felt in a long time. With trials come tests and I know I was fo sho crammin for these tests. But instead of telling you of all the decisions I could have made but didn't I'll tell you rather of just the good things I've had happen in the last while.

You guys I got to meet my niece! Does it make me a horrible auntie if it took me two years? I had such a great time with her and LOVE how children can be so accepting and forgiving and loving! They don't judge. It's a spectacular thing we can and should learn from. Now to meet my other niece and nephew that were born this last winter.
I got to do some amazing traveling and see spectacular things God made as well as man made that marvels. I got to do it with peeps I love to be around that buoyed me up and make me want to be better; in word and deed. I've felt their love in more ways then one. As well as God's love when I look around see all the beauty He has created for us to enjoy.

I have made decisions that have set me up to work here in Colorado which is what I wanted. I have prepared for other options which enabled it to be a smooth transition. Did I mention I got a job and I start in less than a week. I just need to finish packing and I'm on my way! HALLA!

I've had contact with dear friends that have impacted my life for the better. They come at times when you feel like the world is closing in on you. I'm able to reconnect and feel of their love and the love of a Heavenly Father who proves to me again and again that he does hear and answer prayers.
Most importantly the list goes on and on and that there peeps is the beauty of life!

Has anyone seen the Heathers? It is similar to that of any other movie that has gossip and selfishness and pride found in a lil' clique of friends. But this one goes a lil' too far. Where one individual sometimes is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to gain back something they feel was lost. Sometimes individuals have resent or bitterness or hurt anger etc and from there choices are made. If you are wondering where this is spouting from don't worry about it. I had something said directed towards me that hurt. Well and who hasn't? Duh we're human and things can hurt. But when people say or do things that you don't always appreciate you get to make the same decision they did. And that's just what it is - a choice!! We get to choose how we respond just as much as they got to choose what to say. So I am happy and choose to be happy! If things don't always go as planned it's easy to not want to keep that end goal in mind but I promise you if you will do your part things will happen. Marvelous thing!! (but not like in the Heathers...if you know what I mean)

4 sweet comments on "What is your damage, Heather?"

Jenn on April 21, 2009 at 10:56 AM said...

Bahahahaha. This is one of my favorite 80's movies. "Corn Nuts!"

CIP on April 22, 2009 at 5:02 AM said...

thanks so much for your sweet comment on my goodbye post...you should send me your e-mail address so we can keep in touch. I want to definitely keep talking to all the people I can trust (aka not miss musing or other creepers) I'm so glad you liked my blog and I'm sad to see it go as well

Robyn on April 22, 2009 at 7:17 AM said...

Oh wow...thanks for letting me know. Little naive me had no idea. What crazy drama. I don't like it one bit.

By the way congrats on your new job. And God sure does prove his power and might. Sometimes we have to be striped of everything we have just to realize that he is all we need.

mitch, pam and the rhoadants on April 23, 2009 at 9:25 AM said...

Thanks for inspiring me! Great post. Btw, what is your new job?

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