Blast from the past!

Posted by StephieMae
So it's nearin the end's inevitable and I've known it all along. Summer is coming to a close and with that being said there are still a few last minute things that need to take place. I realize that for me it's not just the end of summa time but of a lot of things for me. It's been a crazy whirl wind of a summer but I wouldn't change a thing. It's been wonderful to push life to the limit and do things I may never be able to do again. That being said there are still a select few things I am looking forward to doing this week. Anyone want to take a walk down memory lame? I mean lane! Ha ha Skate City is the name of the non-lame game! I loved going as a kid and in moving to Utah Classic soon filled the void in my heart for roller skating. So this week peeps it's me + the rink and we're going to show off some mad skills! One last throw down to keep it real! This may very well be the last time I kick it on the rink so you won't want to miss it! Love to you all! Peace*

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