Let's go for a walk...

Posted by StephieMae
So I had the opportunity to go out east two summers ago; spending a good chunk of time residing in Cape May, NJ. It was the best first exposure to the east coast and I couldn't have asked for more.
I stayed in this beautiful Italianate cottage known as the pink cottage which was built in 1891 and it was one door down from Beach Ave. Located in the historic district of Cape May. Just a two minute walk from the beach and get this right outside our back porch was a path that led you straight to the boardwalk. Where there were vendors everywhere with funnel cakes, corn dogs, lemonade, custard and just loads of yummy deliciousness!
Every night I would walk along the shoreline and find my way down to the lighthouse. Just a short jaunt down the beach. All was calm and the ocean spray would be warm with the sand under your feet and the dewiness from the humidity. Life stood still for a short moment; it's as if all had stopped to just take a breath and were caught in this day dream.
I would spend my days walking Washington Street and going to all the different shops. They sold any and everything. It was so whimsical and magical. I enjoyed people watching and getting to know the store owners who were a fountain of never ending stories of what Cape May means to them. I loved going and dining alone at all the different restaurants. Where I experienced warm 'feel good' home cooking, I loved it all! The names alone were enticing; Mad Batter and Tea by the Sea were some of my faves.
The architecture alone was breathtaking and had small town feel written all over them. I spent so much time just walking the streets admiring the homes. Thinking about the hands that had built them and created masterpieces of charm. There is so much history and legend behind most every single house. Some of my favorites were the sister homes. Seven homes for seven beloved daughters of one of the wealthiest Cape May builders. The homes are to die for and stunning and all identical.
I took naps everyday and swam in the warm ocean and built sand castles. I didn't have a care in the world and there was no schedule to keep up with. Everything was at my own leisure. I was thinking about all this today because sometimes I think we need these moments in life. Where there is no agenda or life to keep up with but rather just a life to embrace. I can't wait until I have the chance to return and fall in love all over again! But until then just enjoy these pics! None of which are mine because although I had my camera I took not one photo while there. I was so involved in just taking it all in and storing memories within*

2 sweet comments on "Let's go for a walk..."

ashlee on June 12, 2009 at 10:37 AM said...

okay, can we move here??? This is GORGEOUS!

CIP on June 17, 2009 at 9:02 AM said...

Ahhh, I love the Jersey shore!!!! <3

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