Upgrade anyone?

Posted by StephieMae
Ha ha so did I mention I got my cast off? I've graduated and upgraded to

--drumroll please--

a walking boot!

So of course I was more than happy to rid of the hard cast, I mean who wouldn't be? But upon leaving the docs office I noticed immediately that I hated the upgrade! Como que upgrade?? I think not. I feel like I'm now less accountable than previously. Didn't think it was possible. However I decided I could totally do this. I can't spend the rest of my life crawling around in a cast. I have to learn to walk again eventually. Well that day has come sooner than hoped however it ain't no thang. I can do this, I had a walking boot this time last year from this accident.

Although heavier, it's only because I'm on my crutches. Which by the way I love my crutches, they come in handy more times than not. SO anyways back to the funny awkward part of my day. Mum and I made a stop at WholeFoods and while I was at the entrance mindin my bizness a mom and son walk in. This boy so not more than about age 4 was clinging to his mom. His eyes were locked on my new upgrade. I heard some whimpering and then the mother replied "She doesn't have a robotic foot honey, it's just a cast." She apologized and went about her shopping.

So there you have it - I have the ability to scare small children. Great! Just what I want to put on my resume. To bad it contradicts my emphasis of my degree.

1 sweet comments on "Upgrade anyone?"

The Crazy Coxes on October 13, 2009 at 3:38 PM said...

Yea no cast!
You won't have to think of a scary Halloween costume either since your boot is scary enough!

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