Letter from the Editor...

Posted by StephieMae
Peeps! How goes it? I need to let ya'll know how horrible of an editor I've been as of lately. :( I have not been doing all that I can to insure that I screen my posts before allowing them to run. Therefore lacking in my editorial skills. Obviously not my calling in life-neither is writing for that matter. I don't want to print any retractions to any previous posts but I do apologize for my rantings towards no one in particular. I just needed to rid myself ha but now that it's out there you peeps can now know that all is well. You can sleep easily now knowing that I willl put more effort into not ranting about the specificities of my day to day dramatic life. If that even is possible ;) but halla if you wanna because I can take the heat! Loves*

1 sweet comments on "Letter from the Editor..."

Jenn on February 5, 2009 at 10:30 AM said...

Horrible editor? What's the point of screening your posts? If you can laugh, maybe cry, or at least smile while you're writing isn't that the point? I always get a kick out of your posts, because I can actually here you saying those things out loud. It's like the Daily Chronicles of Stephanie: Proof That it Really Did Happen. Anyway, keep the blogs coming sister. No need to dot the i's and cross the t's.

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