I'd rather have an apple anyways...

Posted by StephieMae
So don't we all at one point in our childhood wish money grew on trees? That toy in the window of the store we oh so loved growing up just calling our name...but as we grow up it's hard to let go of that concept. But guess what?! I am doing away with it! From now on it's fruit that I want! Which brings me to the point of me NOT spending money. Now this is a fantastically HUGE milestone in my life. Seriously peeps it has never been done. I even have given thought to getting rid of my phone. It hasn't happened yet and it's still just a thought at the moment but thoughts do turn into an action eventually. Now it's been just over a month since reading a post that helped inspire me. Thanks to my Classy friend I feel I have someone that I can look too for support. So tell me peeps what's something in your life you feel you have conquered or beginning to conquer that makes you feel fulfilled? Oh and J-Bow; seriously girl when are you gonna get wit it and leave a comment ;) Loves*

2 sweet comments on "I'd rather have an apple anyways..."

Jessica Lawlor on February 26, 2009 at 4:58 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Aww, this is so amazing! Thanks so much, girl! <3 I feel like I can definitely come to you for support too!

Oops, that deleted comment was me on my other gmail account!

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