At least it's the 'in' thing at the moment.

Posted by StephieMae
Asymmetrical - lack of proportion, opposite of symmetrical.

If you watch The Bachelor than you know by now that asymmetrical fashion is in. However fads come and go...scars however fade at a much slower rate. The point I'm trying to make? Well just read.

So the week following surgery I had an appointment to see my Doc. He was going to change the dressings and hopefully give me positive feedback. Well upon removal of the wrappings I had to do a double take. I saw stiches and blood and icky stuff but none of that bothered me. It was the placement of the incisions that got to me. I noticed they were in different locations than the left foot. I asked him if there was anything to be done about that...and he laughed. He thought I was joking! Pretty much NOT. I'm not symetrical! What's a girl do? Well for now listen to some Neil Diamond and forget about everything else.

Yeah yeah yeah, I hear ya now...como que Neil Diamond?

3 sweet comments on "At least it's the 'in' thing at the moment."

Team Millward on March 5, 2010 at 6:50 AM said...

No way man, Neil Diamond is awesome. I used to watch The Jazz Singer with my parents all the time. Since my dad is an avid Neil fan I am quite accustomed to him! I love that you listen to him. If you want I can make you a puffy painted shirt that says "Neil or Bust"

Team Millward on March 5, 2010 at 6:50 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crazy Coxes on March 5, 2010 at 2:08 PM said...

Please don't listen to Neil Diamond. I beg of you. And it's just wrong for the doctor to not make you symmetrical.

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