What the tuna?!

Posted by StephieMae
Peeps so let's talk about the list of things that bother me...we all have them there's no denyin it. I invited Mr. T along to make it that much better! HUA!
I have issues with people who don't care about a clean workout environment. Why is that when you have sweat pouring out of every pore on your body you don't think it's an issue if it's on the machine...and no longer on you?!? EWW so point of story wipe your machine down! So I don't have to have your yucky sweat on me. Thank you much.
What is it about peeps who I'm sure have great abilities to multi task always have to drive next to me? So what if you like think that you can text/navigate/yap on the phone/smoke/yell at your kids/eat/etc and DRIVE! and drive well-great for you but seriously I swear you all find me and you do really stupid things that I feel are detrimental to my health. Please let me know when you'll be on the road so I'll be sure to stay home. Which reminds me of a story of a woman, a mini van and a Twinkie...perhaps I'll share it with you some time.
Let's not talk about crazy peeps in movie theatres who don't know how to go a matter of I don't know...say anywhere between 90 to 120 min without looking at their phone. So ya'll sleep at night right? You must have a crazy clock inside you that goes off so you know to check your phone while sleeping. NOT the point sorry but still one gets to thinking. Ha anyways so please when you go to a movie shut your yaps and your phones. I mean there's a time and a place. Thanks so much : )
Does anyone else think reality TV is lame {well there are a select few I partake in but shall remain nameless at this time} I'm not biased...ha not. First off this junk sucks you in and then lets you down when you need them most. So I don't waste my time on it. Nuh uh sorry not foolin this chica. But what about the rest of America that is still to naive to figure it out? They still don't understand that it is all staged to a certain extent. At least I recognize it. Okay sorry this one is a lame excuse for hatin on somethin. Movin on...
So I guess screenwriters are slackin in their department. Just my opinion at the moment. Perhaps I'll research it and get back to you. But seriously why are so many movies at the moment based off of a book? I don't get it...do screenwriters even exist anymore? Oh of course they do because otherwise who would be there to help change the amazing book into a movie? Duh screenwriters are at the moment employed because there are novelists out there. {okay so perhaps me hatin on this topic is a lil ignorant and I may not have the whole story-for now just take it for what it is} An opinion!
That's it for today I'm sure I'll be back with more peace out!

1 sweet comments on "What the tuna?!"

Team Millward on August 4, 2009 at 7:27 PM said...

Well, we watch reality tv like crazy. Kind of lame, but can't stop. And how about the fact that my grandma used to file and paint her nails while driving...and she was a TERRIBLE driver on top of that!

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