13 hours ago
Summer lovin'
So anyone else share the same love for ice cream that I do?! Ice cream has always held a special place in my heart! It is always my friend and it always seems to make things so much better. It's delicious and always provides temporary relief to those not so great days. Here's to ice cream! And to the end of my summer peeps. I'm nearing my one week countdown and then I'll becoming even better friends with my bed for several weeks to follow. Loves*
So have you ever noticed that no matter how much time has passed things really don't ever change that much. Maybe your hair gets a lil longer and you've moved around a few times but things don't really ever change. Kind of like how fashion has evolved over the years. Things come and go and eventually come again. I don't know how else to say it at the moment but I'll figure it out and make another appearance again soon! Loves*
One ball is all
So I can't believe I have gone all summer without hittin up a Rockies game. Bummer eh? But today of all days that is going to change peeps! I'm headin to an afternoon game...but these clouds aren't looking too sunny : ( what's up with that? Lameness! But not to worry I guess I don't need to work on my tan all that badly. Ha ha but anyways yay for baseball!
Time on my hands
Ha ha I totally thought this was cool. Check it out! Then you can see the real deal here. Hope you all had a great weekend and that we're all over our case of the Mondays...I'm off to MOnkey Bizness! In the words of Paige my lil one "HALLA!"
ON a side tangent...she was having a fussy moment yesterday and she was tryin so hard to say what she was feelin and all of a sudden she goes "grr you guys are fr-fru-frus-frustating me!" Ha ha ha she knew what word she wanted to say but she had a heck of time gettin it out. She is beginning to mimick everything I say and do. Oops ha
ON a side tangent...she was having a fussy moment yesterday and she was tryin so hard to say what she was feelin and all of a sudden she goes "grr you guys are fr-fru-frus-frustating me!" Ha ha ha she knew what word she wanted to say but she had a heck of time gettin it out. She is beginning to mimick everything I say and do. Oops ha
Starting over...
OMGoodness! You guys I have a lovely friend in my life - her name - LUCY! I love Lucy she's there for me through the good and the bad. You may be asking 'who the tuna is Lucy?' Well peeps Lucy is my car and she's havin a rough moment in her life. I don't drive her as often as ol times because I have access to my work car and so she's neglected and sits parked for days. She must hate me right? Well I proved myself right the other day because whoa low and behold she up and bounced out on me for a week. Her starter needs replacin. Well I purchased a new starter and she's on the road to recovery. It got me to thinking that sometimes we may feel this way in our own lives. We may feel shafted or left out and lonely at times possibly abandoned. So then we evaluate and take action. Find ways to fix things up and improve and make some modifications; whether large or small. So here's to life peeps! Here's to being able to recognize that starting over with things in life are unavoidable. change is all around us and it's a constant. Let's embrace it and find the things we could do to better ourselves. I love you all and more importantly I love LUCY*
This is just the beginning of so much change...I don't know what to say except that besides knowing I LOVE 80's music SO much at the moment I also know this is a big month for me. August is going to crammed full of events that will be firsts and lasts for me. With my surgery just around the corner I have compiled a list of things to do. Some are things that I have always been afraid to do because limitations with my ankles or things I don't do anymore because of my past surgery or things that I'll be too afraid to ever do again after my surgery. So maybe I'll share some bits and pieces with you of my list but for now I'm just excited to embark on this life changing chapter. It's like the choose your own adventure books! I used to sneak into my brothers' room and read these books. I loved them because you never knew what was coming...you decided! In a way it helped me understand more fully why things were taking place. SO peeps I love you all and did I tell you?! I'm deciding this time around and spendin the day before my surgery ----
-drum roll please-
LONGBOARDING! Wil is coming to visit that weekend and He and I are going to bust a move just like old times! It'll be my last time ever longboarding so it's really exciting but a loss of something I truly love. Yet really this surgery will make it so I can do a lot more things better I believe so really it's just longboarding. So there's one thing off my list I'll be sure to share more off it with you soon! Lata peeps*
What the tuna?!
Peeps so let's talk about the list of things that bother me...we all have them there's no denyin it. I invited Mr. T along to make it that much better! HUA!
I have issues with people who don't care about a clean workout environment. Why is that when you have sweat pouring out of every pore on your body you don't think it's an issue if it's on the machine...and no longer on you?!? EWW so point of story wipe your machine down! So I don't have to have your yucky sweat on me. Thank you much.
What is it about peeps who I'm sure have great abilities to multi task always have to drive next to me? So what if you like think that you can text/navigate/yap on the phone/smoke/yell at your kids/eat/etc and DRIVE! and drive well-great for you but seriously I swear you all find me and you do really stupid things that I feel are detrimental to my health. Please let me know when you'll be on the road so I'll be sure to stay home. Which reminds me of a story of a woman, a mini van and a Twinkie...perhaps I'll share it with you some time.
Let's not talk about crazy peeps in movie theatres who don't know how to go a matter of I don't know...say anywhere between 90 to 120 min without looking at their phone. So ya'll sleep at night right? You must have a crazy clock inside you that goes off so you know to check your phone while sleeping. NOT the point sorry but still one gets to thinking. Ha anyways so please when you go to a movie shut your yaps and your phones. I mean there's a time and a place. Thanks so much : )
Does anyone else think reality TV is lame {well there are a select few I partake in but shall remain nameless at this time} I'm not biased...ha not. First off this junk sucks you in and then lets you down when you need them most. So I don't waste my time on it. Nuh uh sorry not foolin this chica. But what about the rest of America that is still to naive to figure it out? They still don't understand that it is all staged to a certain extent. At least I recognize it. Okay sorry this one is a lame excuse for hatin on somethin. Movin on...
So I guess screenwriters are slackin in their department. Just my opinion at the moment. Perhaps I'll research it and get back to you. But seriously why are so many movies at the moment based off of a book? I don't get it...do screenwriters even exist anymore? Oh of course they do because otherwise who would be there to help change the amazing book into a movie? Duh screenwriters are at the moment employed because there are novelists out there. {okay so perhaps me hatin on this topic is a lil ignorant and I may not have the whole story-for now just take it for what it is} An opinion!
That's it for today I'm sure I'll be back with more peace out!
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