So I recently have fo sho fell hard for gettin to bed brings an early morning that starts my day off right. I forgot what that felt like. Oh wait I don't think I've ever known.
So I have been wondering where summer is. It felt more like summer way back in January LAME! So it's looking more like spring I think the Colorado seasons are just way off schedule this year. I am just itchin to be poolside and this rain just ain't cuttin it.
SO let's see peeps...I have been makin biweekly visits to physical therapy for my poor feet. I gotta get their strength up and although a lil painful it'll pay off soon enough. Did I ever mention I have totally been embracin the flats? I LOVE them! I find I don't care too much about anything but which is a good thing.
So has anyone noticed the abundance of engagements as of lately? Totally out of control if you are an outsider lookin in but eh it's the norm. And to those of you that are CONGRATS!
I am fadin out so I'm gonna hit the pillow but peeps hope you all had a great Memorial Day! Love to you all.
and ps I totally am missin my nieces and nephews :( I wish I could just zap myself there and be wit em! I love you lil ones!
2 days ago
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